that was still half, yo! i have no idea why but it somehow feels good with this group of friends. maybe "warm" would be the most suitable word. i'll always prefer this class to any other! 2d06! -smiles-
{photos behind}
anna ashley get well soon, alicia annia we'll see you all if there's a next bbq okay! :D
am i going to do some detailed recount? maybe not haha, its already 1 am and i still have to get up early to do my tuition work tomorrow -dies-
4pm at pasirris control station and i arrived eh, 5 minutes late along with a few people hahaha. and then part of us left for the bbq pit first, and i was dead bored there D:
thanks erica for the bleachposter and keychain haha :D and oh liushuang went too!
so i was walking around and buying ice and drinks for everybody with erica liushuang and christopher until like 6 plus.
i pursuaded kaiying to come YAY! jiaying and terie came to fetch her too and collected terie's shoes.
i'm so sorry this sounds like some uber boring account D:
lets see what's the best part. the fire couldn't be started and it took them till 8++ with the help of other adults nearby for us to get the bbq fire set up .__.
by then we had moaning and groaning stomachs, so we dumped loads of food onto the griller, if that's what you call it. this time cherine and i were cooking since liu wasn't here haha.
let me tell you something.
you'll understand if you had been there ;D 99% of the food i've cooked are uhh, burnt. and i really mean one side of the sausage being completely burnt kind of thing omg.
and if your food taste buttery and nice, its cause jiaying and kaiying were the ehh, buttress? [not buttress roots] they applied butter to everything (: oh yes thanks felicia and megan for preparing the food, and anybody else who did.
frankly speaking there's not much to say, its fun cause you've been there, you've enjoyed the atmostphere, you've missed talking to your friends [i think almost all 3L people from 2D has went yay!] and you just like the smell of smoke? maybe pictures really speak better than words ^^
oh yes, kaiying and i decided to go on a little walk stepped on mud and got mud on our shirts and arms and pants and legs [our white slippers turned completely brown]!
i hate the sound of stepping on mud. its like, squishsquish. DAMN DISGUSTING [omg alliterates] so i kept screaming. yah that's so me i know -.- mud is disgusting! KAIYING ITS A BAD DAY! D: we rushed to the taps and washed ourselves like crazy hahahha.
then was more eating and talking and burning and in a split second it was 10+ so we took pictures. they're with terie haha, but we did some weird poses like uh, jumping, hongzhe's face and some hongzhek thing and the act cute thing and of course the "D" :D i bet photos are the best :D
felicia gave me otah and bacon and sausages to bring home! THANKS! :D they stink when raw but they're real nice, ty!
went home with jiaying terie kaiying and christopher!
oh, and i apologize if i fail to respond to anybody's remarks/comments sometimes.
like so mood spoiler leh omg i'm sorry! no wonder they say smoking's bad, bbq smoke is bad enough la o.O
the smoke has put me in a wrong state of mind i guess, -chokes-
my eyes stings omg D:
let me add again, i suck at cooking bbq food. PLEASE DON'T COME BACK WITH A TUMMYACHE! D:
just something interesting ;D
you don't need to guess what the sign pointing to the right says. its obvious, anyway. our pit was pointing to hell. maybe that's why kaiying and i got bad luck stepping into the mud O:
glow fire, glow!
jiaying emma and kaiying!
again again!
thanks to megan for the following three! :D you sent them to liushang and she sent them to me haha!

sheena sexy that's for you! :D
kaikai and I on the way home on bus 21 with terie and christopher!
don't blame me for looking like an absolute retard, but i guess i was supposed to be one in this picture, can't you see my hand grabbing on terie's head as if i were about to fall off a cliff? -laughs-
terie and christopher!
i'll blog about choir cam ptomorrow! and concert and the day with clairechin too! :D
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